Thursday 31 December 2015

How did I get my name

Well, my background is Sri Lankan, and my religion is hindu. So that pretty much means that my names is picked based on astrology. So based on the star I was born on, my grandfather said my name had to start with a Y and it how to be worth a certain number. By that i mean we have this thing were certain letters have a value they are worth like the letter a might be worth 5. So my name had to be worth 12 and the letters in my name accumulate to 12. Plus my name apparently has something to do with a musical instrument even though I am not musical talent in any way. So there you have it thats the way I got my name some crazy hindu ways :P

Thursday 24 December 2015

The letter to my past self

Dear Yalini, 

Hey! It's your future self talking to you! Okay so I know you just started high school and you feel shy! Wondering questions like will high school be the highlight of your life? What about your old friends? Will you fit in? Honestly you are such a worrywart. Dismiss all of your worry's and honestly be more outgoing! Don't worry about how other will think of you, just be yourself! One of my biggest regrets is the fact I was too shy to join clubs, try running for councils and talk to more people. So please for the sake of a better high school experience please be more outgoing! And stop caring about what other people think!! Another thing is start doing your work earlier! Procrastination equals stress so that hair you started off with in grade 9 is disappearing now! So start doing your assignments ahead of time if you wanna keep your hair still intact! Work on that indecisive manner and start making decisions more cause trust me thanks to that I still have no clue on what I wanna do! So Try to live a little you'll get invitations to parties make sure you go! Don't give yourself excuses like you will go next time, cause you won't. Trust me I know! Last thing I wanna tell you is don't stress about marks, I mean of course marks are important but there honestly not everything. One important thing is all the guys are stupid! Don't waste your time thinking about how so and so looks cute. Soon you will like someone and i'm telling this to save you from wasting your time. He has a girlfriend! So now that you know ahead of time those two years of feelings for him is what i'll save you from. Stop those feelings before they start and you'll know who I'm talking to. Another personal advice is don't go around trusting everyone because some people are not what they seem like. So thats the last personal advice I wanna give you because you need to learn somethings for yourself, it's all apart of growing up.Anyway I'm trying to say overall is live your life, stop worrying about what others say or about your marks. Try to have some fun and just live a little! Trust me then you wouldn't feel like high school wasn't the highlight of your life. So have fun that way you can look back on high school and see the happy memories instead of the hell hole you thought it was. One more thing STOP BEING INDECISIVE! Cause that will honestly stop you from so much things and will just give you regret. And that regret is a killer. So do me a favour and please listen to my advise. It will save you from a lot of heartbreaks and will hopefully make your life more fun. 


Your future self, who can't wait to see you, hehe XOXOX <3 

Wednesday 23 December 2015

What have I learned In my teen years

When I think of my teen years it seems like they just flew past me. I am almost considered an adult which terrifies me, because I don't feel to ready for society. We have all been sheltered that I truly don't believe I'm ready for the "next step" but I learned some valuable lessons in my teen years that might help me for the adult world. The lessons I have learned that I consider valuable are "Don't just trust anyone or believe everything you here". These lessons I learned helped a lot, as a kid I was very naive and believed everyone was good but through my teenage years I realized how naive I was. I had been taught from a young age that we can tell the good from the bad, that the bad look scary, that this image came with the character they were. But this is not true at all we are easily deceived by appearance and someone who we think is nice is actually quite the opposite. I learned all of this the hard way, but of course learning these lessons is all apart of growing up. So unlike my naive self I know that I shouldn't trust so easily some people are clearly not what they seem to be. So I'll be careful on who I trust as some people are truly cruel in this world.
Ten Top Things To Do Over Christmas Break 

1. Apply for university (cause I don't have my life planned out)
2. Get my Secret Santa gift! (I picked a hard one -.-')
3. Sleep in for as long as I want (even if it last for days)
4. Be in my pyjamas all day! (There so comfy)
5. Movie Marathon! (Playing all the classic christmas movies, my fav is home alone)
6. Going out for a family dinner (SUSHI)
7. Opening Presents!!! I can't wait to see what I get!
8. Going skiing (As much as that sounds like it's fun I can't ski properly so I always get hurt)
9. Going Boxing day shopping! Cute clothes for cheap!! I can't wait!!
10. Get caught up on school! Cause exams are soon!

Syrian Refugees Should we take them in?

Is that even a question? Of course we should take them in!! We shouldn't even think twice about that! These are people who have been through a lot, people just like you and me, who have gone through a rough time. So with taking them in it'll help them until they can get comforatable and can stand on their own feet. If the excuse on not to take them in is what if there terrorist? Then I will personally go to that person who questions them and give them a piece of my mind! Which is more like my fist :). Anyone can be a terrorist it isn't associated with a certain religion or race! So if thats an excuse on not to help our brothers and sisters then that pathetic excuse can go to hell! What's the problem with sparing some clothes and food to help those in need, we do it anyway so I'm sure our county can spare the refugees that we take. So of course we should take Syrian Refugees I'm sure if the tables were turned they would be kind enough to take us in and help us out. So yes we should take them in.

Principle for a week

If I was Principle for a week, I would start changing the rules! When it comes to the high school I attend there are a lot of things I had notice that need fixing. You will probably notice that there are some similarities between the high school I attend and the one you do. For starters the food! The cafe food is so expensive! Especially when it doesn't even taste that good! So as principle I would either lower the cost of the food, or get more high quality food. Another thing is start doing more charity work for other organizations. I love how our money goes to the Philippines to help out, but why only the Philippines other places need help to! So I would also spilt the money we receive from civies and donate it to other causes as well. I would also re-evalute the teachers I hire, based on constant complains from students of teacher, I don't understand why the board won't re-evalute the teachers to see if they are truly helping the students! So I would listen to the students and understand their concerns with how the school is run. Those are the three main things I would change if I was principle for a week. Though If I was principle permanently there is many more things I would change. ;)