Monday 19 October 2015

Emotional Movies!

Naturally I try to avoid movies that involve tragedy because let's just say I cry buckets of tears to the point where my parents definitely get annoyed of hearing me cry. But sometimes I just feel like I'd want to watch a touching movie, no apparent reason maybe just cause I like the meaningful messages they have or I want to take a break on just comedy movies. Even though I know watching these movies results in piles of tissues, a faced soaked in tears I can't help but watch them, If I were to think of a movie that had me crying for a good hour or two after I finished it, that movie would be.... The Titanic.

This is a movie that I had watched a few years ago, for those who don't know the titanic is based on a true tragic story involving the RMS Titanic that collided with an iceberg on April 15th 1912 proceeding to the deaths of more than 1500 passengers and crew members. The Titanic ship only had 20 lifeboats this could only hold one third of the population, leaving the rest to die in the cold icy water.

The movie however takes a different approach it tells us a story about two fictional characters Rose DeWitt Bukaters and Jack Dawson. Being from different backgrounds they fall in love but they are met with misfortune when the Titanic strikes the iceberg. This movie was made beautifully in my opinion when we hear about the titanic sinking sure we think this it was tragic but we are not able to image the pain that the passengers felt knowing their lives were at risk but there was nothing they could do to save themselves. This movie had really put in the emotions and the feelings of all the passengers the night that the titanic sunk. And boy did it leave me speechless! Amazing actors, amazing effects I really have to thank James Camaron the director cause that movie was 10!

This movie was 3 hours and 14 minutes, I bet your thinking it's way to long for me to watch! I thought the same  when I first heard of this movie, I was like its too long. Knowing me I can't sit still for that long but honestly this movie had me anticipating every moment. If you guys need some motivation the actor is LEONARDO DI'CAPRIO!!!! He is one fine man and if that isn't motivation I don't know what is. So even though this movie is long it is directed beautiful, involving the emotions of love, sacrifice, pain, loss and hope. Overall this movie I rate a 10. I hope you guys watch this movie, ps. You might need a box of tissues ;)

Here is the Trailer

Here is my favourite clips:

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