Sunday 10 January 2016

Some Info About me

So one major thing about me is I am Indecisive! Which is honestly the worst thing, It's so annoying! To those who don't know what Indecisive means it pretty much means I can't make a decision. I feel so horrible about being indecisive because everyone around me gets so annoyed. The only time I'm not indecisive is when it comes down to picking food, I don't know why it doesn't apply to food but I'm thankful it's one less category that I don't have to spend hours thinking about. When it comes to shopping I'm sure my cousins would rather shot themselves in the head than go shopping with me. I spend 3-6 hours trying to decide on what shirt I should buy usually people would say just get both but I'm also cheap so I try to only pick one. So it drives my cousins crazy and I honestly don't blame them. Though the reason I'm so indecisive is to be having regret is one of the worst feelings so I take super long to make a decision being i am scared if I don't think it through I might regret it. So that the secret as to why I am so indecisive. A BIG thanks to my friends and family as well as Mr. Santin who put up with my indecisiveness! I love you all!!

How I Tricked My Brother

So this all happened when My cousin got a Netflix account so being the nice cousin that he was he decided to give all of us the Netflix password. Though my brother would be in his room all night long watching shows or movies on Netflix now this wouldn't normally bother me but he would always put the volume so high that I would remind he countless of times to turn it down. Though being the douchebag he is he wouldn't. So I told my cousin this and he decided to do something, he told me how he can control Netflix on his phone so he can change anything my brother is watching. So when my cousin was at my house for a sleepover we decided to do this. My brother was watching a movie when my cousin and I changed it to the middle of the grudge movie. We did this about 3 times before my brother came into the room and started telling us how creepy the Netflix was and we just played along. After he left we all started bursting of laughter and kept this joke running. We did this a couple of other times to where my brother went around telling his friends about this cool story he has, where when he watches something on Netflix it always changes to the same scene in the grudge. Little does he know it was just us. But because of that he stopped going on Netflix and I could get some peace and quite at night.

My Second Near Death Experience

So clearly my first near death experience wasn't I just had to have another one. So this one all started when my uncle decided we should all go to this park called Elora for a family picnic, except this park also had a tubbing place. So after we arrived at the park my uncle found out about this tubing at the park and he was so ecstatic he wanted to take all the kids but when we went there it was so crowded so we didn't go. But as we were about to leave my uncle went back to see if it was still as crowded as before it wasn't. Though I wish it wasn't cause it could have saved my near death experience that was about to happen. I don't know how to swim and neither do my other 3 cousins. so when we told this to my uncle he talked to the people who work there who said we get life jackets and should be okay. Though my little cousin didn't want to go but ended up getting yelled at so for the fear of not getting yelled at I didn't dare say I didn't want to go but I should of.... . Apparently this tubbing is down a river that takes TWO FRICKEN HOURS! And the tubes! Are really just tires. So my cousin and I were the first to get on the tubes and start but that was a bad idea! So as we get on the tubes my cousin goes first and I go right after her but as I go right behind her I witness a large ripple of waves that crash her tube and flip her to where she goes into the water. I was mortified but there was absolutely nothing I could do I was next! So right when I get flipped,  I get tossed into the water but I'm also blind cause I don't have my glasses and ontop of that I can't swim so I'm struggling to see. But the worst part was at that moment i'm in the water my leg gets stuck in between a rock. I keep squirming but I can't get it out. Thankfully my cousin who let me drown last time came to my resucue after my other cousins left me and floated away. So after he rescued me I was kinda shaken up but I was fine. Though all of us got separated and I ended up with a bunch of 25-30 year old white males where we exchanged names and talked for a bit before the water picked up and I was on my way to the end of the two hour river tubbing experience. Thankfully I just came out with many bruises and a bleeding leg. So NEVER AGAIN WILL I DO THAT IN MY LIFE. Thank you Elora for that HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE.

10 things that make me happy

1. Sleep
2. Family & Friends
3. Books
4. Drama's
5. Movies
6 Sleepovers
7. Shopping
8. Sushi
9. Play games
10. Sleep

3 Goals

My Three Goals

1. Get a job that I enjoy
This means to get a job or pursue a career that makes me happy instead of caring what others think. That way the job I do won't feel like a job but something that I love to do. Cause I would never want to dread going to work the way my parents do.
2. Give back to my family
Well, I wouldn't be able to do all the things I loved to do If it weren't for my parents. They always give me everything I want! Not trying to sound spoiled but they try to make my life as happy as can be and for that one of my goals is to give back to them
3. Pass math!
This is a temorary foal one that is only for this dreadful semester 1, which is math. I hate math with a passion so with the low mark I am getting with it. I just badly want to pass math that way I can be done with it and not have to take it in night school

Movie Anastasia


When we all think of princesses we naturally think of princesses like Cinderella, Belle, Ariel, Snow white and so on. Though a princess that many people forget or don't know about is princess Anastasia. The movie Anastasia is based on a speculation of Princess Anastasia surviving after the Romanov killed her family, because her body wasn't identified. Anyway this movie is interesting as Anastasia is lost and her grandmother is searching for her. So her grandmother is giving a reward of 100,000 dollars to whoever could find her granddaughter. So these two people are trying to find a phoney to give the grandmother ignored to win that money but what they didn't foresee is that they found the real Anastasia and one of them falls for her. This movie is a good movie to watch for fun if your bored or want to watch a disney movie. I have always liked this movie and in fact watched it on multiple occasions with my little cousins. It preoccupy them and it is also a movie I enjoy. So if your looking for a animated romantic comedy with a bit of a musical element in it, Anastasia is the movie for you! I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did. Leave any comments about how you thought the movie was.

Thursday 31 December 2015

How did I get my name

Well, my background is Sri Lankan, and my religion is hindu. So that pretty much means that my names is picked based on astrology. So based on the star I was born on, my grandfather said my name had to start with a Y and it how to be worth a certain number. By that i mean we have this thing were certain letters have a value they are worth like the letter a might be worth 5. So my name had to be worth 12 and the letters in my name accumulate to 12. Plus my name apparently has something to do with a musical instrument even though I am not musical talent in any way. So there you have it thats the way I got my name some crazy hindu ways :P